Malone is a compact macho stand-out. He's been a farm favorite since birth. This male combines Qondoleeza and Ventura. This pairing has proven to produce high end. Malone has insane density, fineness, and definition. These fleece traits are found down his legs and under his belly.
Genotype results indicate Ee a1a2 EE which means that he carries dilution and two black alleles.
The bloodlines behind this male include; Ventura, Snowmass Millenium, 4Peruvian Legacy, Peruvian Charmingway, Peruvian Hemingway, PPPeruvian Chicha, Vacara of PVA, The Elite Maximus, PVA Peruvian Valerie Accoyo Elite, DDF Bobbie Ann, Hemingway, Estifania, Valeroso, MFI Peruvian Patience, MFI Peruvian Primero, Peruvian Petala, Qondoleeza, FDA Bisturi's Rockin Steel, Snowmass Royal Mistress, Snowmass Royal Challanger, Snowmass Showmaster's Snowmist, Peruvian, Pinaya, PPPeruvian Lilly, Peruvian Snowmaster, PPPeruvian Edelweis, Snowmass Royal Rose, Snowmass Rose Pearl, Booth/Douglas Jurita, PPPeruvian Cahuide, FDA Amazing Graycee, NGG Onyx, Snowmass Peruvian Casanova, Peruvian Bueno, Peruvian Angelique, Bisturi, FRA Smoky The Bandit, Peruvian Olympus, Snickerdoodle Doo Peruvian Knock Out, Acer Marka's I'm A Peach, and KO's Peach Girl.
Malone is confirmed BVDV negative.